Friday, November 16, 2012

Let's Play!!

Hello again! I know I said I would try to see you all before Halloween but as you can see... I lied... Lol, life is just still really busy for me, hopefully after the Holidays it'll get quieter....

In the meantime a good friend of mine has made up some Let's Play vids on You Tube for those of us who haven't gotten it yet so if you're curious check them out and live vicariously through them lol... Enjoy!


There is a sixth but for some reason I can't post it... Anyways go to my friends channel (click here) to see it and don't forget to subscribe!

Monday, October 22, 2012

MIA Yet Again....

Just stopping by to let the world know that I'm super busy! I soooo want to play my Sims but just don't have time...  I think I may have burned out a little too, what with the release of Supernatural AND SEASONS!! I mean that's double PEPS!! How am i supposed to handle that/ Why, quit playing for a while of course! It's not like i can afford that or anything, ya know? BTW, Thanks EA for your recent blunder  (am I too obvious?) I finally got my first stuff pack, Master Suite (and why? Because that's what hit me at the moment,I don't do well under pressure, lol)!! Can't wait to try te new sleeping facemask (enter sarcasm here)!! Anyhow, I guess what I'm trying to say is that one has to chose real life vs. Sims overload and I've chosen real life for now.... Christmas is coming hehehehehe!!!

P.S. I'm lurking the officials and I'll see you before Halloween!

P.P.S. i do have some killer nail art pics (maybe even how to's) and I I hope to post them soon in my new tab up at top, I think I'll call it... Kute Klaws... or no wait!.... Katz Klaws... Ahh o, that's lame.... Any ideas? I have a bad nail habit and I need a name, anything? Anyone?

OK, see ya soon!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Back to basics....

Hello there! I kn ow it's been awhile and no, I'm not abandoning my blog, I've just had more important things to do... Also I've had some MAJOR computer issues lately... Anyhow, this is what's going on in my little simming world...

Not much....

Lol, no really, I have been playing but was forced to go back to basics because of my computer issues, I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying it tho!! I had never played just the base game before, when I first got the game I got it with Ambitions and just installed both so I never truly played it simple... I'm even playing the premades rather then my own simmy! I did break down and install Generations a couple of days ago but still no CC or mods, just the vanilla game. Given the ugly townies are starting to irritate me I'm still not gonna cave back into a non- vanilla game just yet, I'm having to much fun! It's nice to play a smooth game with very few tiny glitches again....

Right now I'm playing Pauline Wan, she married Peter Lanegrak (or however you spell it) and had the ugliest little girl, they have another on the way... I would post pics but I honestly haven't even been into pics lately, I'm just enjoying the game play.... Let's see how it goes, maybe I'll have something interesting to post later...

Ok, I'm done with my useless little post her but I have one question for you.... When was the last time you played the base, vanilla game?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

It wasn't broken!!

Seriously? I hate the way all these web sites are changing everything up every 5 minutes!! Grrr, I'm so lost every where I go!!! If it's not broke then don't fix it people!!! Mini rant over...

So hello there! I know I've been MIA for awhile now, mostly just here and a few simmy sites, I've been just busy with life and some life changes have occurred... For starters I have a new job and I'm still adjusting to this whole "work" think lol. I also have been doing very well with Swagbucks and am totally addicted to it! Free stuff gets me every time! Another thing keeping me busy is that I'm actually PLAYING my game, I find that I really enjoy Showtime (SHT for short)!! And yep, got it for free!

Well, this was just a quick post to let you all know that I'm still alive... Hope to start posting more again soon, I miss my little blog! I will leave you with a message that means a lot to me, see you soon!