Yeah, good luck with that!
Personally I don't have issue with the changes... except that we will no longer be able to customize our pages... And as long as some security features that WORK are implemented I'm ok with it... Being the social network addict that I am this aspect doesn't bother me at all... What does bother me is that once again EA is not listening to their customers, the majority of Simmers that use the site have stated loud and clear that they don't want these changes! Hell even Facebook does polls and a little research before making final changes, typically they don't listen either but at least they let us believe they want our opinions, Facebook also will usually give us the option to change immediately or let us take time to get used to the idea before changing. All in all it's not such a big deal to me because I rarely even see my page as it is... As for those of that hate the idea of these changes I do understand and I hope there is some sort of compromise for you but I wouldn't hold my breath, it is EA after all....
<---- EA considering customer feedback....
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